Drs. Carina Domingues - Cosmetic doctor

Carina Domingues

My work is my passion and my clients feel that too. Being born in Brazil, the passion for beauty runs through my blood.

Since the beginning of my medical education, I knew that I wanted to work in aesthetics. I completed the training in medicine in three different countries: in France, in Brazil, and in the Netherlands.

Since the beginning of my medical education, I knew that I wanted to work in aesthetics. I completed the training in medicine in three different countries: in France, in Brazil, and in the Netherlands.


During the first years of my career, I worked in cardiothoracic surgery (heart and lung surgery) at Erasmus MC, where I often had to deal with acute situations and seriously ill patients. This contributed to a strong foundation as a physician. Subsequently, I gained several years of experience in plastic surgery where I developed a strong insight and sense of aesthetics. Thanks to this experience, I have a good anatomical knowledge and the right insight for a beautiful natural balance in the face.

In recent years I have focused entirely on injectable treatments where I strive for state of the art results. A properly performed cosmetic treatment makes you feel confident.


Quality and safety are of paramount importance to me. That’s why I continuously attend trainings and conferences, where the latest developments and complications are discussed.


Carina Domingues is an accredited member of the NVCG and registered as a cosmetic doctor under BIG number 79917779901.



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