Amel Saidi - Make-up artist and front-office assistant

Make-up and good skin care go hand in hand.

What started as a search for a solution for my problem skin, has become a true passion for the beauty world. I first took recourse to make-up and took the step to study at the American school, Make-Up Designory. During my training my view of the cosmetics world broadened and the importance of a good foundation, namely healthy skin, was emphasised. Make-up and good skin care go hand in hand. This led to my interest in skin improvement.


The less-is-more principle was poured into my skin. Also as a make-up artist the emphasis was placed on accentuating the facial characteristics, instead of completely transforming them.


At Van Lennep Kliniek you have the best of all worlds. I immediately had a click with the philosophy of the clinic. Beautifully aging. During the treatments, the own beautiful features and contours of the face are maintained, so the client keeps a natural look and becomes the most beautiful version of himself. This appeals to me enormously. Skin improvement is central and every client leaves the door with a beautiful finishing touch. We use the mineral make-up of Jane Iredale. In the latter case, as a certified make-up artist, I am happy to be at your service and let you leave the door radiantly. Moreover, you can contact me with all your questions and problems, I advise and help you gladly!

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