You might think that mixing skincare brands and products are done to boost sales. But is it really better if all your skincare products, from your facial cleanser to your day and night creams and serums, are from the same brand?
Skincare products from a skin improvement line of the same brand do not, as a rule, bite each other. In fact, they are often developed and tuned to support and enhance each other’s actions.
Especially in the case of CosmeCeuticals, brands with products that contain active ingredients with a clinically proven effect on the skin. Environ, ZO Skin Health, and SkinCeuticals all fall under CosmeCeuticals, also known as professional skin improvement brands.
So it’s natural to purchase all your products from one brand. This also prevents an overload of active ingredients, such as acids and retinol or vitamin A.
40% of our clients use the whole line from the same brand
We do come across customers who combine brands. These are the people who are already familiar with professional skin improvement and do peelings in our salon. You still always have that favorite Exfoliating Cleanser from ZO Skin Health, the Pre-Cleansing Oil from Environ, or you’re wedded to a specific night cream, like A.G.E. Interrupter from SkinCeuticals.
Are you starting professional skin improvement for the first time? Then we often recommend that you finish the “other line” first so that you do start with the same line. So we can get a good picture of the improvement and tolerance of your skin, but also adjust if the dosages are too low, or too high.
Generally, it goes well, but in the worst case, you get a slight skin irritation like itching, flaking, or red spots. You usually find that out soon enough. Such irritations disappear on their own when you use the product to a lesser extent, but with a mix of skincare products, it is sometimes harder to fish out the product that your skin is less suitable to.
Often you think it’s the “acids” because they feel less pleasant when applied, but often it’s the product containing Retinol that your skin has to get used to.
So if you want to combine, always contact us first, or schedule a check-up with our skin therapists. They can put together the right combination for the specific needs of your skin.
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