A liquid facelift with the Hybrid filler technique

For years, I have used the combination of hyaluronic acid fillers with collagen-stimulating fillers such as Sculptra and Radiesse, and it has given me a predictable outcome.

Sculptra is a liquid of polylactic acid, lidocaine and water for injection. Radiesse is a calcium hydroxyapatite dissolved in a gel. Both substances are fully biodegradable fillers and have been on the market for a very long time. Sculptra since 1999. Radiesse is just a little bit younger.

In this hybrid way of injecting I work on the one hand on direct filling and on the other hand on collagen stimulation, skin thickening and skin improvement. By combining the 2 techniques you get synergy and the end result is more beautiful and certainly more natural than if you only apply hyaluronic acid fillers or collagen stimulation. You will achieve the best results when the skin feels full, supple and firmed and is also well moisturized and lifted.

Because the skull also decreases in volume as we age, I find injecting the collagen stimulating agent sculptra, especially in the temples, a real outcome. Slowly the face is lifted like the hamster cheek pouches on the jaw line of women, but also a droopy eye position is made less droopy with this technique. I have heard many clients say that this is the most natural eye elevator, often allowing clients to postpone their surgical eyelid surgery for a while. Especially if this is also combined with botox of frown and crow’s feet.

An incipient tear duct , you can improve more successfully by first treating the temples with a collagen stimulating injectable. If the client is younger and has a full firm skin, the end result of 1 treatment is often already great and is the tear duct treatment unnecessary.


The filling does decrease over time, with Sculptra only after 2.5 years, with Radiesse often after one year, but the obtained skin improvement remains. That is an advantage.


Of course other areas than the face can also be treated with this combination of hyaluronic acid filler and collagen stimulating injectables. Think of neck, cleavage, hands, inner arms and legs, knees and sagging abdominal skin.


Allergan Aesthetics launches new Hybrid injectable filler
Recently there is a new filler on the market from Allergan that combines hyaluronic acid and collagen stimulation, namely HArmoniCA. Of course I was curious about this and on Saturday 21 May 2022 I attended this launch together with my colleague cosmetic doctors KNMG. HArmonyCa* with lidocaine (anaesthetic) is intended to improve the quality of the skin on the one hand and to combat the signs of ageing on the other. This places the product in the category of hybrid injectable fillers. A treatment with HArmoniCA can alleviate these signs of ageing on the face in a multidimensional way thanks to the two active ingredients it contains: hyaluronic acid (HA), for an immediate lifting effect, and calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA), a substance that is able to stimulate the production of collagen.

Curious about the possibilities? We offer the HArmoniCA filler treatment at all our locations and by all cosmetic doctors.


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