Tina van Poorten - Skin therapist

My name is Tina and I started working as a skin therapist in 2014. I am married and a mother of a son. Over the years I have gained a lot of experience in both medical and cosmetic areas of the profession.


What I like about working as a skin therapist is that every day is different and that there is a continuous development in treatment techniques. In the time that I have been working, I have followed many courses and refresher courses to keep my knowledge up to date. Since 2018, I have been working with ZO Skin Health products, with which I have seen beautiful results on skin problems that are usually difficult to treat, such as rosacea, melasma or acne.


My favourite treatment is plasmage! This is a perfect technique for removing skin irregularities. I like variety and challenges so I enjoy working at the van Lennep Klinek where there is a wide range of treatments and a good cooperation between the skin therapists and doctors.



I hope to see you soon in one of our clinics!

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