Isla Feen - Skin Therapist

During my adolescence I was treated by a skin therapist for acne. This made my interest in the skin therapy profession grow and I know better than anyone how nice it is to be treated professionally.


Meanwhile, this has been several years ago and in 2018 I graduated from De Haagse Hogeschool as a skin therapist. My work has become my passion and I prefer to perform cosmetic treatments where you can combine different techniques for the best possible result. Also, creating a customized treatment plan and recommending products is a fun challenge for me every time.


The skin therapy profession continues to innovate and there will probably be many new treatment techniques in the coming years. This is what I like best about the profession and I will always be open to new treatments. I’m proud to be part of the Van Lennep Kliniek team and can’t wait to get to work on your skin!

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